Should we worry about Monkeypox?

27th of July 2022 Article by Lynn Webster
Should we worry about Monkeypox?

Lynn Webster in the UK on how the cleaning sector is assessing another virus in the news.

As we are becoming less fraught after dealing with the height of the Covid pandemic, and some level of normality returns to our lives, we face the potential risk from the recent changes in behaviours of another envelope virus. Monkeypox.

Whilst we are assured by medical and epidemiolog..

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Cleaning practices versus regimes

19th of July 2022 Article by John Griep
Cleaning practices versus regimes

Dutch reporter John Griep on how sector body VSR trains the cleaning inspectors who visit client sites.

What do you do, as a cleaning inspector, if cleaning light switches is still in the cleaning regimen while almost all the lights in the building you are in are turned on and off automatically by sensors? Typically, this is the kind of situation you can run into in this professio..

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Reality cleaning contest

11th of July 2022 Article by Lotte Printz
Reality cleaning contest

Lotte Printz in Denmark reviews a new reality TV format on cleaning. "Maybe you have even been inspired to live a cleaner life!"

These are the final words by the celebrity host of a brand-new reality TV format about cleaning, spoken as the closing credits appear on the screen in the seventh and final episode and the nine contestants eliminated earlier fling their arms around the neck of the winner of ‘The Golden Bucket'.

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Safe products, healthy bodies

1st of July 2022 Article by Christian Bouzols
Safe products, healthy bodies

Christian Bouzols in France tells us about a cleaning company that’s been prioritising safety for its staff.

Launching a cleaning company using only green products back in 2009 was far from a safe bet. Omar Akaski had to use all his skills of persuasion to convince his first clients that bleach type products were not useful for sanitising tasks and as efficient solutions. He ..

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