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Lack of enthusiasm for daytime cleaning
22nd of November 2022 Article by Christian BouzolsChristian Bouzols in France explains that some commercial clients are not a fan of daytime cleaning.
Marie-Laure Léau runs a cleaning company, Segid, in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, a town situated near Caen in Normandy. Its more than 300 industrial cleaners of both sexes would ideally like to work during normal daytime hours and not to have to work at the crack of dawn or late at night. They see this as a priority, but ..
Generating your own energy
14th of November 2022 Article by John GriepJohn Griep at VSR in the Netherlands reports on a meeting discussing climate and energy transition.
As a platform and knowledge institution for the professional cleaning sector, VSR organised an event on Climate and Energy Transition recently.
The urgency of the energy transition, which needs to take place on a massive scale, is finally dawning on most people. This is also true for Milan and Patrick van der Meulen, both b..
Crime scene cleaning podcast in Germany
4th of November 2022 Article by Katja ScholzKatja Scholz reports on a podcast about crime scene cleaning being produced by BIV.
For well over 18 months now, the contract cleaning association BIV has been joining in the discussions - also in its ‘Glanzstück’ podcast – on politics and science, on skilled trades in particular or industry in general, on training, digitalisation, migration or..