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Don’t lose the focus on cleanliness
23rd of June 2022 Article by Anna Garbagna
A new wave of Covid cases in schools has led to increased focus on cleanliness in public spaces – writes Anna Garbagna in Italy.
The new increase of infections recorded in Italy during the month of March, as well as alarming the national health service in fear of a fourth wave of Covid, has once again brought to the fore the ongoing problem in terms of prevention of the sprea..
The value of passing on experience
16th of June 2022 Article by Lynn WebsterThe value of mentoring others should never be underestimated, says UK reporter Lynn Webster.
At a recent networking event I attended with some eminent and influential cleaning industry colleagues, we realised that between what was only a fairly small group we actually have hundreds of years of valuable experience between us. This was a gathering that also welcomed some relatively junior team members and what could be describe..
Radio talk show for cleaning sector
9th of June 2022 Article by Katja ScholzA German radio station has its own talk show for the contract cleaning business, reports Katja Scholz.
From apprentices to master craftsmen, from carpenters to contract cleaners, from Hamburg to Zurich – Radio Handwerker (radio for skilled tradespeople) has been a daily source of relevant information along with music and discussion on topical issues in Germany and in other German-speaking countries for four years. There are..