Inflation triggers wage increases

18th of October 2022 Article by Christian Bouzols
Inflation triggers wage increases

Christian Bouzols, ECJ correspondent in France, tell us about rising pressures on cleaning companies.

A new general wage increase of 2.9 per cent has been agreed in the cleaning sector, bringing to 5.5 per cent the total increases awarded for 2022. To this must be added a 27 per cent increase in the transport allowance given to cleaning workers. This was announced during the summer by the Fédération des Entrepri..

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Recruitment - the biggest challenge

12th of October 2022 Article by Lynn Webster
Recruitment - the biggest challenge

The sector must tackle the issue of attracting and retaining staff, says Lynn Webster in the UK.

A recent article in ECJ (June 2022) highlighted the issue we are now facing known as the ‘Great Resignation’, as we all adapt our lives to the changing emphasis of work/life balance.

Recruitment is regularly ..

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Can microfibre actually spread dirt?

3rd of October 2022 Article by John Griep
Can microfibre actually spread dirt?

John Griep at VSR, our reporter in the Netherlands, gives us new insight into the microfibre cloth.

Can microfibre cloths cause dirt to spread? An odd question perhaps. After all, microfibre cloths are cleaning cloths and their purpose is to clean surfaces, not to make them dirtier. But, it is true. Microfibre cloths can indeed spread dirt. The microfibre cloth contaminates itself, so to speak, when the cloth is folded. This is c..

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