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The changing challenges of the hand hygiene market
22nd of August 2022 Article by Chris WakefieldChris Wakefield, managing director UK & Ireland, GOJO Industries-Europe examines the hurdles facing the hand hygiene market.
What a rollercoaster the past few years have been for the cleaning industry, and specifically the hand hygiene sector. The journey to the present day has had plenty of ups and downs with a myriad of hurdles to cross to keep people and spaces safe and healthy.
But each hurdle was successfully overcome. When demand outpaced supply in 2020, production was increased so that there was plentiful product to go around. When sourcing bottles, pumps, and caps became problematic, new creative partnerships were forged to secure these additional components. In short, our sector rose to the challenge time and again.
But today, the challenges facing businesses couldn't be more different. Awareness of the importance of good hand hygiene is still high, yet compliance is on a downward trend. The practice seems to have been dropped as a Covid measure like social distancing and wearing a mask.
The result is that businesses are sitting on excess stock, which is fast approaching its expiry, and not selling through, because they are already overstocked and customer use is declining. Further up the supply chain, distributors face a tough choice too. After purchasing stock (possibly at inflated prices, which was rife at the height of the pandemic), they must now either sell at rock bottom prices to clear the product or lose it completely. And at the same time, prices are increasing as the costs of raw materials rise.
So what can be done? It seems a big question but the answer is surprisingly simple - and is something GOJO has advocated for years. We need to drive positive hand hygiene behaviour and make it second nature to everybody - no matter their profession or environment.
Firstly, there needs to be ample opportunities for hand hygiene - if dispensers are not widely available, are broken, or have run empty, people cannot clean their hands. Ensure they are located in high-traffic areas and prime germ hot spots, such as reception areas, by entrances and exits, and of course in the washroom.
The strategic positioning of dispensers cannot be underestimated; their physical presence in the right places at the right time can help to subconsciously influence hygienic behaviour. Placing eye-catching signage can also help prompt people to clean their hands.
What's more, dispensers need to be equipped with pleasant, effective formulations. Having antimicrobial and antiviral efficacy is key, but if the product doesn't offer a positive user experience or irritates skin, then hand hygiene practice is likely to be abandoned altogether!
With general use on the decline and costs rising, businesses may be tempted to cut corners when it comes to hand hygiene, but it is something that really shouldn't be skimped on. It not only helps to protect health and prevent the spread of harmful germs, but it makes sense from a business perspective too.
Keeping facilities clean and providing ample opportunities for hand hygiene actively help keep the workforce healthy and lower rates of absenteeism. For customer-facing environments, ensuring high standards of cleanliness demonstrates that you care about your staff and clientele - and can have a direct impact on recommendation and referrals.
To ensure you are getting the most bang for your buck, make sure you partner with a trusted supplier, such as those accredited by the UK's Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association (CHSA). This provides assurance that what you are buying is high quality and fit for purpose, meets industry standards, and matches the exact quantity promised on the packaging.
A reputable hand hygiene partner can help businesses maximise compliance; offering advice on best placement and positioning as well as supplying educational and awareness raising signage. They can also work with you to help achieve other business goals, for example, lowering labour costs and contributing towards sustainability goals depending on the products chosen.
As we move into autumn - a time when all manner of germs and viruses circulate - we must not let hand hygiene slip any lower down the agenda. The health of our population depends on it.