Cleaning business helps to tackle illiteracy

17th of February 2022 Article by Christian Bouzols
Cleaning business helps to tackle illiteracy

French cleaning companies are providing literacy classes for employees, reports Christian Bouzols.

Some 2.5 million people in France are illiterate, which means they haven’t acquired sufficient reading, writing and numeracy skills to manage daily life situations on their own.

About half these people are employed. The cleaning sector is one of the main employers of lar..

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Hygiene misconceptions cleared up

3rd of February 2022 Article by John Griep
Hygiene misconceptions cleared up

Netherlands correspondent John Griep reports from the recent VSR Hygiene Forum where some misconceptions about hygiene were addressed.

“Nowadays, even the chair at the optician is disinfected before the next customer takes his seat. Even though most infections are contracted at home and not in a restaurant or at schools,” said the German microbiologist and professor D..

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