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My three rules of social media
27th of March 2017 Article by Laura NapperThe ECJ site has a new blogger - Laura Napper, managing director of Twilight Cleaning and Facilities Management. She will be writing about social media and how to use it. In this first blog, Laura looks at some basic rules.
Social media is such a broad topic - indeed, it's seen as a big black hole to some companies. If you were toying with the idea of social media, where would you go with this next? Here are some questions that y..
Frugal Innovation - the quietly growing trend
13th of March 2017 Article by Markus AschMarkus Asch, vice chairman of the management board at cleaning solutions manufacturer Kärcher and president of EUnited Cleaning, writes his latest blog for ECJ. He takes a look at a trend that has been going relatively unnoticed in the cleaning sector.
Whereas digitisation, the Internet of Things and Connected Cleaning have been the subject of a great deal of discussion, there is another trend that ..