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My three rules of social media
27th of March 2017 Article by Laura NapperThe ECJ site has a new blogger - Laura Napper, managing director of Twilight Cleaning and Facilities Management. She will be writing about social media and how to use it. In this first blog, Laura looks at some basic rules.
Social media is such a broad topic - indeed, it's seen as a big black hole to some companies. If you were toying with the idea of social media, where would you go with this next? Here are some questions that you could ask yourself:
How is your social media playing out in the world? Any chance you're scared of making a mistake or being on the outside of what you keep hearing are the rules of social media?
If this resonates with you, then read on and take stock - maybe keeping social media social should be your next aim, have a read of what I consider are the main basic rules.
Rule 1 - No to hard selling and soulless media. Think hard and fast about the message you are putting out there - could you be putting out empty or soulless messages, or even worse - could they be hard sell and even boring? Has anyone ever noticed you and started to walk the other way? If so, the sales side of social media may have hijacked you as a brand that is dull, even if you're not. It's never too late to bring fresh perspective and embrace a new, not too hard sell, positive approach.
Rule 2 - You and only you decide, who is your audience? Is it everyone? Just the country you operate in? You choose, it's your business. There is no right or wrong (the only wrong is if you are hurting someone or being toxic towards anybody or an organisation). Are you hashtagging everything that trends? Or are you uniformly compliant with the industry? Personally I find being a little "maverick" can mean getting a wider audience and being a public place, we're open to all anyway. I will talk about hashtagging in the future.
Rule 3 - There are no real rules on social media. You heard that correctly, so who makes rules or should put restrictions on your creativity? This is the only rule, the rest is purely etiquette and strategy. Can the creativity needed really be executed by someone that doesn't understand your industry? How can anyone really judge or make that call? It really isn't one size fits all - or in this case rules for all. Be independent, keep creative, make sure you enjoy it, keep it fun and be kind to others.