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The PandemicClean project: cleanliness and cost-efficiency
31st of January 2025For three years a team of industry experts has been gathering material on cleaning ergonomics and conscious cleaning. In the second of their exclusive articles for ECJ, Helge Alt from Puhastusekspert in Estonia and Tarja Valkosalo of Propuhtaus Finland (who have been involved since the start) tackle the theme of cleanliness and
Cleaners in China go through tonnes of trash to retrieve man’s lost cash
30th of January 2025A group of sanitation workers in China searched through a pile of rubbish for six hours to help a young couple retrieve cash that had been thrown away by mistake.
The unnamed groom-to-be in eastern China's Shandong province had accidentally thrown away banknotes to the value of 230,000 yuan - equivalent to more than €30,000 - in a takeaway
Trolleys - too posh to push
30th of January 2025Pushing a trolley laden with buckets, appliances and chemicals can represent a significant physical challenge for a cleaner. Ann Laffeaty looks at some of the ways in which producers are helping to ease the strain.
Trolleys provide an easy method of moving cleaning materials from A to B. But when they are loaded with buckets, mops, vacuums,
A policy for health creation
29th of January 2025Lynn Webster in the UK brings news of calls for minimum standards of cleanliness at workplaces.
The UK has had National Standards for Cleanliness in Healthcare for many years although the effective implementation of them is not always in place. Following a recent report on health and prosperity from a UK leading ‘think tank’ the
Scientist says gyms are 'riddled with germs'
27th of January 2025Dumbbells, barbells and workout machines commonly used in gyms can act as reservoirs for disease-causing germs, according to a scientist.
Microbiologist Dr Primrose Freestone claims these bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens could cause anything from diarrhoea to athlete's foot.
And she warns that the grimiest areas of the gym are the warm, wet
Equipment rental - an added value
27th of January 2025Anna Garbagna from Italy on how equipment rental is become more popular with cleaning companies.
Renting professional cleaning equipment is increasingly becoming the option of choice for many. This is because it can offer several advantages both for those offering the equipment for rent and for
the cleaning companies and/or individual