Asia Pacific cleaning sector thrives

8th of November 2019
Asia Pacific cleaning sector thrives

According to a study that focuses on the global professional cleaning market, most regions in the world are still growing. The largest growth figures can be found in the Asia Pacific region, where several factors contribute to a thriving professional cleaning industry. Bobbie van der List reports for ECJ.

As we pointed out in earlier features

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Cleaning agents - natural is best?

7th of November 2019
Cleaning agents - natural is best?

“Natural” cleaning products that are sold in concentrated formulas and packaged in refillable pouches have become a hot new trend in today’s environmentally-aware world. But do professional chemical cleaning companies consider these to be a positive move or a threat, asks Ann Laffeaty?

Cleaning has suddenly become trendy –

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Floor care - how hard can it be?

6th of November 2019
Floor care - how hard can it be?

The hard floor market is constantly evolving as manufacturers continually seek to develop new products – or repurpose old ones – to meet changing customer demands. But how does this affect the floor cleaning challenge, asks Ann Laffeaty?

The most important attribute of any hard floor is that it should be – well, hard. A durable

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Sustainability - the flip side

5th of November 2019
Sustainability - the flip side

Chemical products are often criticised people who claim that natural alternatives – or water alone – are more sustainable. And paper-based consumables also attract condemnation from those who fear for our forests. But are manufacturers of these products being judged unfairly, asks ECJ?

Sustainability is becoming more complicated all

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High-speed washroom dispensing

4th of November 2019
High-speed washroom dispensing

None of us wants to spend longer in the toilet than we need to. So how do manufacturers make their washroom dispensers quick to use, operate, clean and refill, asks Ann Laffeaty?

The main role of a washroom dispenser is to protect the soap or paper inside. But it has other functions too: it should enhance the look of the washroom and provide easy

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Tork - squaring the circle

27th of September 2019
Tork - squaring the circle

Recycling our used hand towels should be a no-brainer in these environmentally-aware times. Yet the first ever hand towel recycling service only recently emerged. Service provider Essity talks about the challenges and the potential of Tork PaperCircle.

As a society we are becoming increasingly resistant to throwing things away when a more

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