Casting the ‘net’ wider

26th of October 2016
Casting the ‘net’ wider

UK correspondent Lynn Webster emphasises the continuing importance of face-to-face networking.

In this technological age, when reference to ‘the net’ is the internet, the worldwide web and all things associated with this information superhighway, we need to recognise the value of the alternative net: the networking event, a point

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Experienced versus expected

26th of October 2016
Experienced versus expected

ECJ’s Dutch reporter Nico Lemmens continues his look at the theme of service and expectations.

We continue our exploration of Christian Grönroos’s work on service management and marketing. We have discussed the distinction between technical (the what) and functional (the how) quality.

Good technical quality alone does not mean

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Unexpected reactions

26th of October 2016
Unexpected reactions

German reporter Thomas Schulte-Marxloh on accidents caused by chemical reactions.

Chemicals like humans can react unexpectedly, in particular when mingled. Sometimes even professionals seem to be unaware regarding the dangers of chemicals in cleansing agents, their safe storage and use. New accidents every year, from chemical burns to explosions,

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What education can do for you

25th of October 2016
What education can do for you

Cleaning is not considered the hottest job on a CV. But it may be a wise career choice - says ECJ’s Danish correspondent Lotte Printz.

September marks the beginning of an academic year. A record-breaking number of students start university studies in Denmark where vocational education has been struggling in recent years to attract

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New show for the south of Italy

25th of October 2016
New show for the south of Italy

Italian correspondent Anna Garbagna looks ahead to a busy autumn in the Afidamp events schedule.

The objective of the first Pulire Mediterraneo exhibition, organised by Afidamp to take place in southern Italy, is to become a new reference point for the majority of countries in the Mediterranean region. It will take place from November 12-15 this

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What’s good for business?

25th of October 2016
What’s good for business?

Russia correspondent Oleg Popov asks what we will remember most about the summer of 2016.

Normally the summer isn’t filled with many events. Most people are on holiday, while the rest dream about holidays, watching news they don’t care about on television just to fix their eyes on something. That’s what’s been so

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