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Telling your story
14th of December 2017 Article by Laura NapperLaura Napper, managing director of Twilight Cleaning and Facilities Management, continues her series of exclusive blogs about social media for the ECJ website. Here she talks about storytelling and social media.
Stories and storytelling have been part of human life for centuries, from sharing hunting stories around the campfire to downloading podcasts. It's a great way of being part of a shared community by reliving common experiences amongst friends, neighbours and others who want to listen.
And, as many sales and marketing people will no doubt tell you, it's also a great way to win business.
By connecting with businesses at a more personal level it encourages closeness, familiarity, and trust. People buy from people. Stories connect people on a basic level. Everyone loves a good story - some of them prefer funny stories, some prefer scary stories. But the sharing of stories is paramount to a feeling of community.
Social media enables storytelling by encouraging sharing. Only the best stories are shared, and only the best stories gain traction. This is where social media integration and storytelling can make or break a brand and win sales.
Not many people know that platforms can be synced. For example, you can sync Facebook and Twitter, so that everything you post on Twitter is also on Facebook. Whilst on the face of it this seems more like a timesaving tool, it's actually important for two reasons.
Firstly it captures different audiences on different platforms. Secondly, and more importantly, it means you can write and share a story that's important to you and your brand. For example, we recently got a new dog - and this was shared on our favourite social media sites.
We then were able to relate to different audiences the same story of how we got the dog, what was he like etc, by expanding on the platform's strengths. Instagram meant we could share more pictures, Facebook meant we could link to the company's page and Twitter meant we could use hashtags to join similar stories.
In conclusion, think about how telling a story can win you customers and enhance your brand, whilst using different platforms, and using those platforms together effectively. Have fun!