Platforms for social media

21st of April 2017 Article by Laura Napper
Platforms for social media

Laura Napper, managing director of Twilight Cleaning and Facilities Management, continues her series of exclusive blogs about social media for the ECJ website. Here she offers advice on the different platforms that can be used.

There are a number of platforms companies can use for social media purposes - in this blog, I'll take a look at the top six and how can they be used. They will be explored in more detail in later blogs.

Firstly, Facebook. Love it or loathe it this is a platform everyone's heard of, but how useful is it for a cleaning company? For domestic cleaning, it's very useful as it taps into a friendly, recommendation market.

Next up is our favourite, Twitter. This can be very useful to raise awareness, communicating with clients, and following accounts you want to rather than the ones you have to!

LinkedIn is a professional platform that works by connecting with your peers on a personal level - it encourages business relationships and it's an excellent way to keep in touch with people.

Instagram is excellent for cleaning companies - companies can showcase before and after pictures, as well as stories based on work being done. This should be used more in our opinion.

Snapchat is very youth-oriented and not really applicable for cleaning businesses - but this may change!

Finally, YouTube. I think this can be really useful if you have a wide audience. Regular updates can be made and your subscriber base can increase.

There are other social media platforms, such as Pinterest,, Reddit and Tumblr, but these present limited opportunities for businesses in the cleaning industry.

As a company, what works for us is Twitter and Linkedin. But your audience may be different - think about who your ideal client is - where are they and what platform are they using? They may use all of them or just one! Finding the best platform for your social media is a project in itself, but one that can be a lot of fun!

Tell us what platforms you use! Email us on or tweet us at @tenterdentwcc!

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