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European FM in turmoil
29th of June 2012 Article by Pedro ChidichimoPedro Chidichimo, president of Sealed Air's Institutional and Laundry business unit which produces Diversey cleaning and hygiene solutions, writes in his latest blog for ECJ about an interesting industry trend that he calls 'Smart Service Programme' and how it can help FM companies enhance economic value to their customers.
The facility services industry is in turmoil in Europe. While more and more small and medium-sized c..
The great skills debate
5th of June 2012 Article by Andrew LargeAndrew Large, executive vice-president for the World Federation of Building Service Contractors (WFBSC) and also director general for the Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA) in the UK, looks at how freedom of movement for workers across the EU affects the national skills situation.
In late May I attended a meeting at the Institute of Public Policy Research. The subject of the meeting was how the UK can address its sk..