Cleaning sector in Spain calls for flexibility in implementing working hours reduction

19th of July 2024
Cleaning sector in Spain calls for flexibility in implementing working hours reduction

In Spain, cleaning sector association ASPEL - which represents employers - is calling for flexibility in the implementation of the reduction in working hours announced by the Ministry of Labour.

Its president, Juan Ignacio Beltrán, commented: "It is crucial this measure be implemented when each current agreement expires in order for it not to have a very negative effect on the companies in the sector. The cleaning industry, where labour costs account for over 80 per cent of the total, is particularly sensitive to this measure."

The objective of the Ministry of Labour is that the full-time working week shall become 38.5 hours this autumn, with a level of 37.5 hours being implemented by January 2025.

This working hours reduction measure will especially impact the cleaning sector, and part-time workers in particular, as a consequence of the wage deficit the measure entails for that group.

ASPEL is asking thatthe reduction in working hours takes into account the transitional nature of the law's application, adjusting it by waiting for the expiry of agreements in force or extending the time for its implementation.

"Another mitigating measure against the disastrous impact would be for companies participating in public tenders, and thus contracting with the Administration, to be able to pass on the increased costs incurred," added the ASPEL president.

Ignacio Beltrán emphasise "the fundamental role that social dialogue has had, continues to have, and we hope will continue to have, in particular collective bargaining, as a tool to achieve agreements between unions and employers' associations such as ASPEL and which transcend the changes that occur when there are changes in governments and parliamentary majorities."


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