Bobson aims to sanitise dirty door handles

16th of May 2018
Bobson aims to sanitise dirty door handles

New from Bobson is a product that allows the squeamish to open and close public area doors with confidence.

The Mist Handle Sanitizer - new out this year - is designed to clean any door handle within five seconds after use. This is achieved with the aid of a fine sanitising mist that is emitted from a compact unit placed beneath the handle.

"I think this product is more or less unique to us," said the company's director of international marketing operations Alice Hsu. "It is very efficient because it only works if you turn the handle."

The unit contains moving sensors which react to anyone opening or closing the door. This is said to ensure that the handle is clean for the next person.

"There is definitely a need for this type of product because door handles tend to be very dirty," said Hsu. "It is particularly useful for public buildings such as hospitals, schools and airports."

Also on the Bobson stand are soaps in foam and spray formats plus air care products, toilet seat cleaners and urinal screens.



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