Colourful cabinets

21st of September 2012
Colourful cabinets

Vendor says its colourful towel cabinets are becoming increasingly popular - the dispensers can be delivered in various models and colours allowing companies to communicate with employees or visitors with written messages.

The actual technology within the cabinets is patented - like a traditional roller towel dispenser the cabinet produces a ‘loop’ of scrim reinforced paper towel and uses a portion control mechanism. But instead of using a single roll of paper towel which must be replaced when used up, the towel in the cabinet can be topped up with a new ‘cassette’ of folded paper at any time.

Used towel is automatically rolled up in the towel cabinet, completely separated from the new towel. A waste paper bin is no longer required.

Cabinets can be configured according to requirements - the length of the loop; waiting time for a new portion of clean towel; the resistance while pulling down the used towel; and the sensitivity of the sensor.

Tel: +31 13 578 6690. Email: 

Read the latest special ECJ report on washroom dispensers.


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