Sustainability - what is the true meaning?

16th of December 2015
Sustainability - what is the true meaning?

How do companies and customers interpret the term ‘sustainability’ today? And how has its meaning changed over recent years? Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers their views.

Sustainability is all about caring for the environment. It is also about corporate social responsibility. But then again it encompasses practices such as recycling,

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The hardest of hard floors

4th of December 2015
The hardest of hard floors

Trolley cases, unusual floor types, high heels, low budgets – these are just some of the issues that can add to the challenge of caring for hard floors. Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers how hard it can be to clean and maintain a hard floor – and why.

Producing a smooth, shiny surface on a hard floor should be easy. There are any number

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Washroom dispensers - vital to hygiene

26th of November 2015
Washroom dispensers - vital to hygiene

Howard Sedgwick, managing director at Cannon Hygiene UK, explains why having the correct dispensers and service can encourage good hygiene, reduce the spread of germs in the workplace and ultimately keep people healthy at work.

The second biggest cause of absenteeism is common colds and sickness picked up by hand to surface transmission of germs.

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The truth about safety floors

26th of November 2015
The truth about safety floors

Safety flooring has been providing slip resistance in buildings for almost 70 years and in that time a number of myths have grown up around how best to clean it. Peter Daulby, technical services manager  at specialist safety flooring manufacturer Altro explains how achieving a first class finish does not require any expensive product or

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Cleaning solutions - a chemical change

25th of November 2015
Cleaning solutions - a chemical change

Ann Laffeaty traces the evolution of chemical cleaning products in the light of tightening legislation and a greater emphasis on sustainability and safety.

There was at time when the only requirement of a chemical detergent solution was that it should be capable of cleaning the item for which it was intended. But that all changed when the health,

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The EU - will the UK stay or go?

25th of November 2015
The EU - will the UK stay or go?

Should we stay or should we go? That is the dilemma the Brits will have to get to grips with in the run-up to their referendum on remaining in the European Union, which could be held as early as May 2016. A ‘no’ vote would have far-reaching consequences for not only Britain but also the EU reports Hartley Milner.

With the exception of a

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