Being equipped for the green transition

3rd of January 2024
Being equipped for the green transition

As cleaning firms strive to be more sustainable, they need training, writes Christian Bouzols in France.

In their journey towards ever better environmental practices, cleaning companies need to do more than just use ecologically certified products and green ways of working, all of which are already much used in the sector.

In answer to that requirement, two organisations - INHNI and Fare Propreté - are offering training courses in green transition (transition écologique). The first of these organisations, which works in the fields of hygiene, cleaning and environment, each year trains some 1,700 apprentices under work-study contracts and guides some 22,000 trainees, while the second helps companies to improve their competencies in these areas.

A new model

Green transition consists of progressing towards a new business and social model aiming to find global and lasting solutions to the environmental issues of today and to the threats facing the planet. The goal is to meet the demands of clients, regulatory requirements and the expectations of society which are obliging cleaning companies to think about how they could reduce the effects of their activities on the environment in the immediate future and the medium term.

Called ‘Speed up Your Green Transition’, the training courses are designed for the managers of medium and small companies, as well as for the environmental officers of larger companies - the intention being to make them appreciate the environmental issues and impacts surrounding their businesses and to better integrate existing methodologies. The aim is to make participants aware of all these problems and to help them tackle them by taking global environmental decisions.

Participants will also get to know how to play ‘TransitiO: Get Started with Green Transition!’.Developed by Fare Propreté, this game can be played collectively by all levels of company management and deals with the environmental issues of the cleaning sector. Its goal is to explain all the main issues linked to cleaning activities and help participants to apply what they have learned to their daily activities.

The courses last for about 20 hours and are to be followed over a period of two months. They involve several distinct approaches and are to be pursued both online and in-house. Participants each get a free copy, but their company is charged €200 Euros pre-tax if it has fewer than 20 employees and €400 Euros pre-tax if it has more than 20 employees (this fee being applicable to companies that have paid up their membership to Fare Propreté). The training courses have been offered as from this Autumn in Marseille, Lyon and Bordeaux, and in further teaching centres in 2024.

For more details, please visit:


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