Waste management - recycling is part of the solution

11th of December 2018
Waste management - recycling is part of the solution

Total Recycling Services, one of the UK’s leading waste management providers, believes in the important role recycling companies play in the worldwide plastics pollution problem. ECJ spoke to operations director Andy Dobson about the effects plastics are having on the environment right across Europe and what the waste management industry is

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The rise of the machines?

10th of December 2018
The rise of the machines?

Robots will put us all out of a job as the march towards automation in our workplaces continues apace, we were told. Scary stuff. But now we are beginning to hear that we may have less to fear from machines than the doomsayers would have us believe, writes Hartley Milner.

We all love watching Charlie Chaplain’s cane-swinging tramp shuffling

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Robots at railway stations

10th of December 2018
Robots at railway stations

Christian Bouzols reports for ECJ about cleaning robots now in use at SNCF railway stations.

Keeping its stations clean is a matter of great importance to the SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français). Some two tons of waste are picked up every day in a typical main railway station. The thousands of passengers who

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In safe hands?

7th of December 2018
In safe hands?

Knowing that your facilities are secure when outsourcing contracts is paramount. Secure commercial cleaning expert Julius Rutherfoord & Co wants to see levels of security vetting improved across the professional cleaning industry, says operations director Caroline Hutchins.

Security is an issue that every business, large and small, must take

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Dining, clubbing and cleaning

6th of December 2018
Dining, clubbing and cleaning

Clubbing can lead to many things. Like starting a cleaning venture. From Malmö in Sweden ECJ correspondent Lotte Printz has this report.

Someone recently told me that when eating out with her family, she always checks the restaurant’s washroom before asking for the menu: “If I know what the lavatories look like, I can most

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Invest in the quality experience

4th of December 2018
Invest in the quality experience

The fact your office is technically clean says nothing about how users experience the cleaning quality. As a cleaning company, you can offer a service that goes beyond simply cleaning an office. You can increase the quality experience and add real value, writes John Griep of VSR.

Being a cleaning association, we have focused for many years on

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