EU patent fight goes to court

4th of July 2011

Italy and Spain have lodged a complaint with the European Court of Justice against attempts by other member states to introduce an EU patent without them.

The EU patent scheme is backed by 25 member states but viewed as discriminatory by Rome and Madrid. In a statement the Italian Foreign Ministry said it had lodged the complaint with the court

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Why buy original?

1st of July 2011
Why buy original?

In January of this year, ECJ hosted a round table discussion in Amsterdam - attended by cleaning industry manufacturers and exhibition organisers - which highlighted the growing problem of intellectual property infringement. As the sector's producers seek to protect themselves from the issues surrounding 'copycat' products, we explore the reasons

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Use technology for efficiency

1st of July 2011
Use technology for efficiency

In his third article for ECJ, Diversey's Pedro Chidichimo explains the benefits for facility management companies of implementing and running IT systems and procedures to improve their front and back office operations. He says internet based applications can differentiate a business from its competitors through improved service quality, and

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Success in Poland

30th of June 2011
Success in Poland

Marek Kowalski from the Polish Cleaning Chamber of Commerce reviews the recent ISSA/INTERCLEAN CEE show in Warsaw.

We are through the fifth ISSA/Interclean Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) event - another successful show. The number of exhibitors grew by 10 per cent, the exhibition area by 20 per cent and the number of visitors by 33 per cent.

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Numbers up

30th of June 2011
Numbers up

The Europropre cleaning exhibition, which took place in Paris in April, attracted just under 11,000 visitors, say the organisers - a two per cent improvement on the last event two years ago.
Almost 10 per cent of those attending came from outside France, most of them from African countries.

Innovation awards were presented to Movework, Chicopee,

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Hygiene traffic lights

29th of June 2011
Hygiene traffic lights

The German government has decided to introduce a system indicating levels of hygiene in restaurants – reports ECJ correspondent Thomas Schulte-Marxloh.

After many years of discussion, the ministers for consumer protection of the federal states of Germany have finally decided to introduce a system to indicate the hygiene level of

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