18th of April 2024

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How getting a handle on waste and recycling could see your business save

For 60% of businesses, the perceived investment and increase in ongoing costs for implementing more sustainable practices is considered a barrier to implementation (1). But with legal requirements to consider and budgets to protect, upgrading your business' waste and recycling solutions, no matter your sector, could see your business save in more ways than one.

Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) discuss how implementing an efficient, multi-stream recycling system throughout your business is a simple change that could help your business improve the sustainability of its operations, while cutting costs and driving productivity.

Greener operations are better for budgets

For the vast majority (95%) of decision makers, improving the sustainability of their business' operations is very much top of the agenda but with budget constraints to consider investing in the right practices that will drive real results is a must (2).

What's more, there could be legislation to consider. For example, new commercial recycling laws have recently been introduced in Wales, and are soon to follow in England, that require businesses to separate recyclable materials before collection. Recently, France has also brought in new food waste recycling laws that require all organic waste to be separated from general waste. Noncompliance could potentially lead to fines or sanctions too it's important to consider your legal obligations. Ensure compliance with recycling laws while cutting waste collection costs by upgrading your recycling systems to capture more waste streams.

Helping DPD deliver savings

In a bid to become "the greenest delivery service on the planet", DPD, one of Europe's leading parcel groups, decided to take a deeper dive into the waste and recycling at their depots. After identifying indicative savings by using the free online audit tool, RCP's team of experts then undertook a series of ‘waste walks' across the sites to ascertain the current state of play and identify opportunities for improvement.

With the pilot scheme rapidly green-lit, and six tonnes of waste diverted from general disposal within the first months of multi-stream recycling stations being introduced to the pilot sites, proof of concept was clear. The effective and space-efficient recycling systems - RCP's Slim Jim® Recycling Stations - were rolled out across all remaining facilities as part of a staged installation process.

The results? Within the first year, DPD had already boosted its recycling rate by 48% at six key sites. On completion of the roll-out across all DPD sites, the multi-stream recycling system will have contributed to over 6,500 tonnes of waste every year being diverted to the circular economy rather than going to general waste disposal. They also reported achieving a recycling rate of over 90%, cost savings of 27% and they recouped their investment within 12 months.

What does better recycling look like?

Implementing a multi-stream system will help you increase recycling rates and improve efficiency, but what should you be looking out for when choosing your recycling stations?

Modularity maximises results

Opting for a system with modular capability allows you to install bins that improve recycling rates without disruption to productivity and effectiveness. Most businesses will have different areas to service, so modularity means you can implement a tailored approach to each, installing the streams you need, where you need them. What's more, if a business' needs change over time, it's easy to add to your existing systems rather than having to start again, saving you money and hassle.

Visibility adds value

Make recycling easy by making it visible. Investing in containers that come with clear colour-coded signage will minimise cross-contamination of recyclable and non-recyclable materials and will drive optimal waste separation.

Choosing a manufacturer who can provide many different types of bins with consistent colour-coding and messaging across all your containers will help you to embed a culture of recycling compliance amongst your employees, as well as demonstrate your dedication to sustainability.

Durability drives success

Investing in products that are built to last is essential for businesses who want to support sustainability and cut costs. Purchasing durable products allows businesses to buy better and waste less, reducing the unnecessary waste and expense created by cheaper and less durable alternatives. For added peace of mind, look for bins that come with long warranties.

Visit us at Interclean Amsterdam

Stop by stand 12.201 and speak to our experts about how we can help you cut long-term costs and improve sustainability.



(1) RCP 2022 - Why Product Longevity is a Powerful First Step to Improving Commercial Sustainability

(2) RCP 2022 - Why Product Longevity is a Powerful First Step to Improving Commercial Sustainability


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