Hygiene Solutions for hand hygiene

17th of November 2020
Hygiene Solutions for hand hygiene

From Hygiene Solutions comes a freestanding touch-free hand sanitising unit that can accommodate 20 or 30 litres of non-alcohol based sanitiser. Either battery-powered or directly plugged into a power source, the unit can also be wall mounted if required.

The unit features automatic sensor taps and is RFID capable for compliance/access control/product use. There are branding options and screens available for advertisements or promotion. An indicator shows when fluid is running low.

Hygiene Solutions also provides a door handle sanitiser, a device that can be placed above any door handle which operates mechanically when the door is closed. It uses a small clip to catch the door frame and sprays the handle - each cartridge holds around 4,000 sprays and is easily replaced in seconds.



Our Partners

  • Interclean
  • EFCI
  • EU-nited