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Future trends, what comes next?
12th of May 2014There have always been financial bubbles whenever radical innovations have become widespread. As such, the computer will bring in its wake a more healthy working culture and informational cooperation - according to Erik Händeler, German author and future scientist. He writes here for ECJ.
Debt crisis, stability crisis, economic crisis
Women as industry leaders
9th of May 2014In this edition of ECJ we feature a special report on inspirational women in the professional cleaning industry. In it we focus on four women working in different parts of the sector and ask them about their background, their everyday challenges and their ambitions for the future.
The first is Angelica Martinez, who was named the British Cleaning
Difficult conditions for business
6th of May 2014For Russian cleaning businesses life is becoming more challenging, says Oleg Popov of Cristanval.
Despite the growth and development of the cleaning industry, it is extremely difficult to discuss last year’s results, as not one marketing company did market analysis during 2013. Why is this? They all cite the low volume of the market and the
Difficult times in school services
5th of May 2014Government cuts are bringing uncertainty about the cleaning of schools in Italy, reports Anna Garbagna.
There is uncertainty about cleaning services for 4,000 school buildings across Italy - a reduction in personnel of around 11,000 operatives and a tax of about 15 million euros will weigh on companies following the government’s decision.
Sustainability - good for business
2nd of May 2014The French cleaning industry is discovering that sustainability policies can result in benefits to the bottom line, reports Christian Bouzols.
The French cleaning industry is finding ways to make environmental protection tie in with savings. After all, companies are faced with constantly changing regulations, rises in the cost of fuel, climate
WFBSC New York meet success
23rd of April 2014The picture shows an industry panel discussion during the recent World Federation of Building Service Contractors (WFBSC) congress in New York City, USA.
Contractors and industry leaders from around the world gathered to attend presentations from some of the USA’s leading business speakers, and speeches by cleaning sector experts.