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RD Industries, Inc.
7417 North 101 Street Omaha, Nebraska 68122 United States Tel: +1-402-455-8553 Fax: +1-402-455-8242 Web: www.rdindustries.com Email: sales@rdindustries.comAbout this company
RD Industries has been in the chemical containment and dispensing industry since 1967, a time when many chemical companies shipped their pre-diluted product in large drums and containers. Over the next few decades, chemical manufacturers began to concentrate their chemicals to reduce expenses.
In 1998, in conjunction with industry executives and packaging engineers, RDI developed a self-venting, Closed Loop chemical containment system; branded as SafTflo®. The value proposition of this line is to lock the chemical into the bottle, provide a single means of access into the bottle, and ensure the chemical concentrate is used properly.
Importance of Closed Loop Chemical Containment and Dispensing
End-user Safety: Caustic or highly concentrated chemicals, when handled improperly, can cause unsafe working environments by increasing the dangers of allergic reactions, skin and respiratory irritations, harmful gases, and accidental spills.
Chemical Waste: Eliminating the possibility of waste becomes very important, and in the end, can save you valuable dollars.
Product Performance: Dilution control is vital in creating an effective cleaning solution. If measurements are off, your product is likely not working to its full potential and can result in greater cleaning times or poorly cleaned areas.
Environmental Protection: Adding the SafTflo® line to your packaging makes products even "greener" by protecting against leaks and spills.
RD Industries has a full line that can be customized to your needs.
Global Reach
We currently work with companies in The Americas, Europe, and Australia, and are continuing to expand globally.