Hand hygiene for heavy soils

8th of October 2020 Article by Chris Wakefield
Hand hygiene for heavy soils

Chris Wakefield, vice president, European marketing & product development at GOJO Industries-Europe, takes a look at the hand hygiene challenges faced by workers in heavy industries.

2020 will go down in history as the year that Covid-19 swept across the globe, causing devastation both to people's health and world economies. Thanks to the pandemic, awareness of the link between hand hygiene and wellness has hit a record high. However, whilst it has been a hot topic, most of the conversation has focussed on light or no soil environments, such as healthcare facilities, schools, and shops. Granted, these are key places for hygiene to be upheld, with many people visiting and potentially touching surfaces.

Let us not forget the workers in other, heavier industries though. Hand hygiene is equally important for engineering, construction sites, garages, workshops, and factories, where tough soils are regularly sustained. As well as looking and feeling unpleasant, dirty hands bring the risk of spreading soils and stains to other surfaces. And in light of the current pandemic, we need to remember that harmful viruses such as the Covid-19 are able to survive on surfaces for some time.

For the tough soils experienced by these workers, sanitising gel or regular soap and water is not enough to effectively clean skin or eliminate germs. In addition, injuries from little nicks and scratches are compounded by exposure to oils, grease, dust, paint, and a variety of other materials, which could potentially lead to occupational dermatitis.

It's clear then, that the communal bucket of hand cleaner, in which all workers traditionally dunk their hands, is not the solution. Especially in these risky times, when hygiene has such a major role to play in curbing the spread of infection.

Basic requirements for hygiene on site

Handwashing facilities must be available on site to allow workers to wash away harmful substances, as well as decontaminate personal protective equipment (PPE). This is especially important for those using potentially harmful substances such as paints, coatings, solvents, or other materials.

Where possible, provide additional facilities for handwashing. For example, install pop-ups or floor stands on large sites or those where there are significant numbers of personnel. It is also a good idea to use eye-catching signage in the form of posters or notices. These not only prompt hygienic behaviour, but also help to build awareness of the best techniques to clean hands effectively.

To remove tough soils effectively, workers need access to specialist hand cleaners which are not only strong enough to defeat heavy dirt and grime, but are also kind to skin. Many heavy-duty industries are maledominated and it may not be the ‘done thing' to care about the condition of your hands or to look for products that will be ‘gentle on the skin'. However, the formulation is incredibly important, especially for people who make a career from working with their hands. The wrong product, combined with exposure to solvents and abrasive cleaners, wet cement, paints, adhesives, and other materials commonly used in construction can all lead to dermatitis.

Symptoms include red or swollen hands or fingers, cracked, itchy or irritated skin, inflammation, rash, blisters, burns or flaking skin. This can potentially lead to reduced movement and pain, which not only causes discomfort, but can affect productivity at work.

Rather than applying excessive chemicals onto existing soiling, opt for a specialist hand cleaner that uses high levels of natural ingredients to remove dirt and grime. Quality dispensers offer portion-controlled dosage to help minimise waste. They come with a variety of mounting accessories, so they can be easily fitted in different settings, in a workshop or garage for example. They also feature a fresh valve with each refill to ensure there are no leaks, clogs, or contamination.

We all have a duty to practise good hand hygiene. Choosing the right hand-cleaning products and implementing measures to improve adherence will result in a healthier workforce and increased productivity.


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