Design trends affect measurement of cleaning

31st of May 2018 Article by Jacco Vonhof
Design trends affect measurement of cleaning

ECJ Dutch correspondent Jacco Vonhof from VSR (Association of Cleaning Research) reports on how changes in office design are affecting cleaning.

Trends in materials and office design affect cleaning and therefore also the measurement of agreed cleaning quality.

When using the VSR Quality Measurement System (known as VSR-KMS) to assess the quality of cleaning, it is first ne..

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Appeal for public spiritedness in France

22nd of May 2018 Article by Christian Bouzols
Appeal for public spiritedness in France

French reporter Christian Bouzols on how the authorities are tackling litter more positively.

During its first stage the new campaign to keep Paris clean, launched at the end of March, aimed at shocking the population by showing pictures of Paris covered by heaps of plastic bags, cigarette ends and bottles.

But during a second stage the authorities decided it was better to convey a different message. “We chose t..

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Spring clean vs pavement puffing?

9th of May 2018 Article by Lotte Printz
Spring clean vs pavement puffing?

ECJ’s Scandinavian correspondent Lotte Printz brings bad news from Norway: “cleaning can be
as harmful to your lungs as smoking,” yet ends on a positive note.

Spring is in the air. And so are small particles from cleaning agents. So if you’re planning a good spring cleaning soon in your own home, you might want to think twice. At least as to how you do it.

A recent study from researchers from..

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