New Indoor Air Quality Society to host Interclean Amsterdam symposium

27th of April 2022
New Indoor Air Quality Society to host Interclean Amsterdam symposium

The new Indoor Air Quality Society (IAQS) is a not-for-profit association, which aims to use the knowledge and momentum generated by its network to raise awareness of the wide range of human health issues directed related to compromised indoor air.

Its aim is to bring industry experts, researchers regulators government officials and consumers together to stimulate debate in order to educate the public at large on IAQ, as well as to address the many misperceptions around the subject.

IAQS says it will "connect, influence, and educate - bringing together committed and knowledgeable people worldwide, who can make a difference in the area of indoor air quality".

Chair of the association is Prof Daniel Bonn, acting director of the van der Waals-Zeeman Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Amsterdam. He said: "We believe the time is absolutely right to launch this initiative. It is doubtful, if there has ever been more public debate about the role of air in transmitting respiratory infections and the detrimental effects of compromised indoor air on human health in general."

The official launch of IAQS will take place during Interclean Amsterdam from May 10-13. There, it will also host a symposium on May 11 where prominent scientists and experts will explain why it is so important to 'curate' the air inside buildings.

Then, on May 12 there will be an interactive AIR Debate organised by Interclean Amsterdam and endorsed by IAQS.

To learn more about these events, and to register visit:



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