EFCI gathers experts in Brussels to discuss daytime cleaning

18th of July 2023
EFCI gathers experts in Brussels to discuss daytime cleaning

Last month, EFCI hosted an event on daytime cleaning practices in Europe. Leading experts from the European cleaning industry came together to discuss one of the potential drivers for change in the cleaning sector.

The European cleaning industry has been debating the case for daytime cleaning for years. And while in some countries this way of working is being implemented, it is not so widespread in others. Could it be a realistic solution for the cleaning industry of tomorrow? To discuss this point and further the public debate on the challenges of the cleaning industry, EFCI organised an event, 'Daytime cleaning in practice: a new reality for the European cleaning industry'.

MEPs, representatives of the industry, stakeholders from the business community and social partners - all convened to shed light on the organisational model of daytime cleaning and build on concrete cases from public and private sectors of the cleaning industry. This discussion is also part of EFCI's social dialogue agenda, marking the strong commitment of the organisation to make use of all possibilities offered by social dialogue to strengthen the sector.

"The cleaning sector is essential to our lives, and joint efforts are needed for a sustainable and technological shift in the future," highlighted the European Parliament's VP Pina Picierno, MEPs Sylvie Brunet and Svenja Hahn in their welcome speeches to participants.

EFCI president Lorenzo Mattioli shared the floor with MEP Ilan De Basso for an introductory exchange, agreeing on the need to shift the perspective for daytime cleaning to improve the visibility of the sector and benefit all actors of the industry.

Technical presentation from France

Following the opening remarks Marc Guerrien, a technical expert from EFCI member organisation FEP, shared a French approach to daytime cleaning. Research shows that ‘continuous', the term used in France, or daytime (cleaning) work is not simply a question of shifting schedules. But rather a concrete commitment to social responsibility which results in multiple benefits for clients. Long story short: daytime cleaning can become an effective reality if implemented in accordance with all players, case by case.

Industrial cases on daytime cleaning arrangements in the private and public sectors in Europe

Speakers from public and private sectors presented practical examples of how daytime cleaning works in their sector and its benefits and challenges. In fact, daytime cleaning comes with challenges and the relevance of the model should be considered case by case. But it also comes with environmental, economic and social benefits for all actors of the sector. The organisational model is viable across many sectors if carefully planned and implemented.

How to make daytime cleaning work for all?

Rounding off the discussion, Lorenzo Mattioli joined speakers from public and private sector and UNIEuropa for a panel discussion.

"Daytime cleaning can be a major step forward for our industry, increasing its visibility and sustainability. But it must be up to the actors operating in the field to choose this solution, adapting it to their actual needs. We encourage policymakers to recognise the specificity of the cleaning industry - providing services to people - and reflect it accordingly in the legislation, starting from public procurement provisions.

"Public procurement can have a major impact on the diffusion of these models, if it focuses on the promotion of innovative, high-quality and future-fit operational models, instead of continuing along a price-only approach," concluded Mattioli.

EFCI will continue working in the coming months to bring to the front of the EU debate the topics that are at the heart of the cleaning industry, a sector that is so vital to safety and wellbeing of our society and for the effective performance of economic activities.



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  • Interclean
  • EFCI
  • EU-nited