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ECJ is 20 years old!
6th of March 2013European Cleaning Journal, the only pan-European magazine for the professional cleaning sector, celebrates its 20th birthday this month.
Since February 1993 ECJ has been a vital source of information, comment and news for Europe's cleaning professionals. Published bi-monthly, it is read by more than 22,000 purchasers and specifiers of cleaning products and services across the European Union.
ECJ now also has a strong online presence through its website at www.europeancleaningjournal.com
"The first edition of ECJ came at a very important time for the industry," commented Michelle Marshall, who has been editor of the magazine since the launch. "Trade barriers across Europe had just disappeared and there were exciting new opportunities for business expansion and greater co-operation between the countries of Europe."
She continued: "One of ECJ's main aims has always been to encourage and act as a vehicle in enabling that co-operation. We have also sought to promote cleaning as an invaluable and skilled profession, and to give recognition to the hundreds of thousands of people employed within it."
To celebrate ECJ's 20th birthday, the magazine has a fresh new look from this February/March edition, with a complete redesign. Michelle Marshall concluded: "ECJ is the cleaning industry's magazine, and it will continue to evolve to reflect its ever-changing needs."
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